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Seller Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions


We offer competitive rates depending on the condition, year of the item/items that you are selling.

On designer items you can receive anything up to 70% of the selling price depending the condition, year of the item/items

How are payments processed?

A seller acknowledges that there will be a 14 day wait to receive funds once an items sells to allow for the 14 day return period

Funds are transferred electronically by bank transfer  

The seller must clearly state all relevant information to Topshelf boutique in written format via email if they wish to receive a bank transfer.

Topshelf boutique willtake no responsibility for funds being sent to the incorrect account if information provided by the sellerisincorrect.

Topshelf boutique is not responsible for delay in payment due to technical difficulties on the part of banking institutions.


Seller Information


  1. The seller must be over 18years, the seller must agree that items left with Topshelf boutique belong to them

  2. If you do not own the items and are selling them on someone else behalf then you have been authorized by the owner of the items to sell them and will indemnify and hold Topshelf boutique liable and against any claim that may arise from the sale of these items

  3. The seller agrees that all the information written about the items or items is accurate and correct

  4. The seller acknowledges that Topshelfboutique may ask for proof of identification before selling any of the seller items, forms of ID: Passport or Driving License

  5. The seller will agree on the price of the items before the items are listed and put up for sale on the Topshelfboutique website

  6. The seller agrees that prices on some items could fluctuate month by month

  7. The seller agrees that prices given are an initial appraisal by email and the price may change once we receive the items at Topshelfboutique

  8. The seller agrees that the items that they are selling are all geninue items and not bought illegally or were buy off a counterfeit website or a counterfeit seller. At Topshelfboutiquewe only sell authentic items


  1. All items that the seller is selling should be in a cleaned condition and there should be no personal items, effect, marks and debris on them. If any items are dirty, we will charge the cost of 20euros per item to the seller. It is the sellers responsibility to make sure that the items sent to Topshelfboutique are clean, free from any dirt or debris


If you are unsure of any of the points above you need to contact before sending any items to us.


Selling Procedure


The seller acknowledges that Topshelfboutiquehas the right to price items at their own discretion


Topshelfboutique will not under any circumstances accept any items that are damaged, soiled or marked in any way. If items are sent to us damaged, marked or soiled then we reserve the right not to sell the items this may also reduce the item and the price of the item that was originally agree with Topshelfboutique



The seller agrees that Topshelfboutique will set the price on the items that they have sent in


If the seller has any issues with the pricing then they need to contact Topshelfboutiquewithin 24 hours of sending the items


The seller agrees that they will leave items with Topshelfboutique for a period of 4 weeks beginning from once the items are received

The seller acknowledges that their item/items could be reduced in sales


Topshelfboutique will not take any responsibility for the seller not knowing if their item/items have been sold


The seller acknowledges that one payout is done once the sale is completed at the end of the 4 week period and not done on aitem by item basis



If an item/items are not sold within the 4 week period then the seller can have the items back or they will be donated to charity if they have not been sold and no contact with the seller can be made


The seller acknowledges that items over 50 euros that have not been sold after the 8 week period they must organize collection for them

If the seller does not have the items collected within one week after givennotice then Topshelfboutiquewill donate the items to charity

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